Below you can find an incomplete list of my publication, papers, public posts, presentations, projects and lectures. Not all posts and publications are written as part of IP Squared. My posts, publications, and presentations are in English or Dutch. Some of my work has been translated into French.
Need my expertise? contact me!
- Contribution to “De Oorlog Online” (the war online), on copyright and post WW2 archives
- Secondary Publishing Rights in the Netherlands
- University Policies for Rights Retention and Secondary Publishing Rights in the Netherlands
- Wie, wat, waar, werkgeversauteursrecht in InformatieProfessional
- Balanceren tussen auteursrecht en publiek domein
- Publication Delen van een bouwdossier een juridisch perspectief
- Article “Online AV-collecties publiceren dankzij convenant” in Informatie Professional
- Negotiator Memorandum Of Understanding – Out of Commerce Audiovisual Works
- Article “Opening Academisch jaar, sluiting academisch studiemateriaal?” in Informatie Professional (pdf)
- Article “Convenant voor muziekwerken: eindelijk online muziekcollecties publiceren” in Informatie Professional
- Negotiator Memorandum Of Understanding – Out of Commerce Musical Works
- Interviewed for Follow the Money “De overheid betaalt voor gratis wetenschappelijk onderzoek, terwijl uitgevers honderden miljoenen verdienen”
- Lecture on Public Domain
- Lecture on Copyright for heritage (NDE)
- Article Kluwer Copyright Blog “The Orphan Works Directive is broken but the commission wont fix it“
- Coordination of the translation of Creative Commons 4.0 license suite to the Frisian language
- Reference work (Dutch) for ‘Private archives of creators in the cultural sector’
- Blogpost ‘Two for one? KR21 recommends that the Netherlands abolishes its ‘spare’ copyright act’
- Blogpost on the review of the Orphan Works Directive.
- Article in ‘Archievenblad’ ‘Balanceren tussen auteursrecht en erfgoedpraktijk‘
- Analysis on collection management systems for the performing arts (Dutch) ‘Rapport Vergelijkend onderzoek collectiebeheersystemen podiumkunsten‘
- Co-coordinator of the Creative Commons publication ‘Towards better sharing of cultural heritage — A Creative Commons Call to Action to Policymakers‘
- Lecture on copyright and heritage for Erfgoedhuis Zuid-Holland
- Technological Review of Beyond Notability
- Lecture on copyright for conservator at the University of Amsterdam
- Technological analysis of the Proof of Provenance project
- Panel discussion on Out-Of-Commerce Works at the EUIPO
- Lecture on Copyright for the Erasmus+ MediaNumeric project
- Workshop on trust in media expressions from the public sector
- Workshop on the implication of copyright policy for the effect of funding for a large Dutch Foundation
- Update on Dutch implementation of out-of-commerce work for archives
- Update on Dutch implementation of Text and Data mining rules for heritage institutions.
- Requirements study and desk research on appropiate knowledge based for the Luxembourg National Audiovisual Centre (Centre national de l’audiovisuel)
- Lecture Creative Commons and heritage (DEN digital skills day, Dutch).
- Lecture on standardising rights infrastructure “Standardise Cubed” at Terra Mosana conference.
- Re-engineered
- Publication d’un guide pratique sur les droits d’auteur, droits voisins et autres droits dans le secteur du patrimoine culturel numérique (French), co-author Maarten Brinkerink (Digitaal Werktuig)
- Guideline on the implementation of Out-Of-Commerce works (Dutch)
- Panel discussion on AVA_Net Symposium on copyright and the AV-sector
- News item on the Dutch implementation of the CDSM directive for the archive sector
- EDTF extension for Wikibase, I coordinate the development of this extension with Maarten Brinkerink of Digitaal Werktuig.
- Lecture on Copyright in the Dutch Caribbean and Suriname for Wikimedia Netherlands
- Publication on copyright and heritage in the educational field: “Auteursrecht en digitaal erfgoed in het onderwijs” (Dutch)
- Fact Sheet on Shared Authority File for Luxembourg Cultural Heritage (that I co-coordinate)
- Presentation on public domain determination for project inDICEs
- Guideline on the implemented text- and datamining exception in the Dutch copyright act (Dutch)
- Guideline on the implemented preservation exception in the Dutch copyright act (Dutch)
- Lecture on copyright and heritage for Master students ‘Conservation and Restoration’ at the University of Amsterdam
- Lecture on Creative Commons for Software Developers for a CodeForNL Meetup
- Lecture on Copyright and heritage for the Dutch Network on Digital Heritage (NDE)
- Lecture on the principles of Intellectual Property for employees of InHolland College
- News Item on Public Domain Day for archives (Dutch)
- News item on relevant implementation of the CDSM Directive for Dutch Archives (Dutch)
- Lecture on Copyright and heritage for the Dutch Network on Digital Heritage (NDE)
- Position paper for KVAN about rules and regulation on a new copyright exception in the Dutch Copyright Act
- Column (p32.) on copyright challenges in Informatie Professional (Dutch)
- Analysis of pivotal judgement for Dutch Heritage institution related to anonymous works (Dutch)
- Translation of into Dutch
- News item of the proposed implementation law of the CDSM directive (Dutch)
- Analysis of proposed implementation law of the CDSM directive (Dutch)
- Reaction to Public Consultation on Dutch implementation of CDSM Directive. (Dutch)
- Masterclass on Copyright for archive professionals.
- Context Programma Auteursrecht in de Bijzondere Collecties
(Research report for the University libraries of Leiden) - Research Report – Returning commons community metadata additions and corrections to source (Research report for the Swedish National Heritage Board)
- Publication d’un guide pratique sur les droits d’auteur, droits voisins et autres droits dans le secteur du patrimoine culturel numérique (French, published 2021)
- Guideline on open data for Luxembourg Cultural Heritage Institutions (internal – English and French).
- Project proved the overly complex implementations of the orphan works directive (opinion / news item)
- Auteursrecht van secundair belang voor de fotograaf (opinion)
- Kennisland helpt met vrijgeven oorlogsbronnen (news item)
- Content filtering needs to be regulated (opinion)
- Content Recognition Technologies A measure for an effective, appropriate, and proportionate digital market? (LL.M. thesis)
- The trainwreck that is the Orphan Works Directive (opinion)
- Bescherming persoonsgegevens uit oorlogstijd (publication)
- Reader open overheid in de praktijk (publication)
- Ideeën kun je niet beschermen: ideeënregister biedt geen bescherming (opinion)
- CBS, stop met naamsvermelding eisen voor gebruik open data (opinion)
- Creative Commons Nederland publiceert licentiebevestigingen (publication)
- Ideeën kun je niet beschermen: CC Proof misleidt (opinion)
- Persistent Reproducible Identifiers (white paper)
- Open Data Reader 2016 (publication)
- Do’s and Don’ts of open data (ghostwritten article for a national newspaper)
- Research: Orphan Works Directive does not work for mass digitisation
- Auteursrecht belemmert ons Anne Franks dagboek te lezen
- Requirements for the Technical Infrastructure for Standardized International Rights Statements (white paper)
- Launch of strengthen and map the video commons
- YouTube should open content ID
- Why we need standards for fingerprinting
- Cruyff Copyright: keeping a football hero from the public
- Kennisland launches Embedr
- A guide to understanding copyright when reusing cultural data (publication)
- Cost of Freedom (small contribution to a book)
- IPR Guidelines
- Resultaten Open Cultuur Data Noord-Holland: meer erfgoed ontsloten
- Met Uitsterven bedreigd: het Internet
- Mondriaan need not apply
- Reader Open Cultuur Data (publication)
- Businessmodel voor fotografen gezocht
- Radicaal gebruik van CC in trek bij creatieve industrie Nederland
- Why the Met does not open any real doors
- Open Culture Data – position paper (publication)
- Report on Requirements for Usage and Reuse Statistics for GLAM Content (publication)
- Willen we nu een deeleconomie of niet?
- Staatssecretaris weet nog niet helemaal wat ‘publieke content’ betekent
- Europeana Cloud: Establishing High Level Principles
- Open Internet onder vuur
- Afscheid van een radicale vernieuwer
- Schermen met auteursrecht (publication)
- Papers Open Cultuur Data (publications)
- Rijksstudio: een volwaardig webmuseum
- Internet onder vuur: PIPA, SOPA, ACTA, Pirate Bay en MegaUpload
- Open Linked Data (2 pager position paper)
- Wiki Loves Art (publication)
- Piratenpartij: niet alleen maar piraterij
- Publiek domein 20 jaar op slot
- Wikimedia en de erfgoedsector in 2011