Below you can find an incomplete list of my publication, papers, public posts, presentations, projects and lectures. Not all my workis done as part of IP Squared. I write in English and Dutch. Some of my work has been translated into French and Italian.
Need my expertise? contact me!
- Publication “Kennisdocument Juridische kaders AI en erfgoed”
- Publication “Beschikbaar stellen AV-archieven”
- Publication “Niet in de handel? Online!” in Archievenblad
- Publication article ‘Il diritto di pubblicazione secondaria nei Paesi Bass‘
- Translation and final editing of Rijksmuseum Data Policy
- Copyright lecture for Museumfederatie Fryslan
- Copyright training for Regionaal Archief Zuid-Utrecht
- Contracting for
- Copyright lecture for Erfgoed Brabant
- Copyright lecture for Erfgoedhuis Zuid-Holland
- Report on future scenarios for
- Contribution to “De Oorlog Online” (the war online), on copyright and post WW2 archives
- Secondary Publishing Rights in the Netherlands
- University Policies for Rights Retention and Secondary Publishing Rights in the Netherlands
- Wie, wat, waar, werkgeversauteursrecht in InformatieProfessional
- Balanceren tussen auteursrecht en publiek domein

- Publication Delen van een bouwdossier een juridisch perspectief
- Article “Online AV-collecties publiceren dankzij convenant” in Informatie Professional
- Negotiator Memorandum Of Understanding – Out of Commerce Audiovisual Works
- Article “Opening Academisch jaar, sluiting academisch studiemateriaal?” in Informatie Professional (pdf)
- Article “Convenant voor muziekwerken: eindelijk online muziekcollecties publiceren” in Informatie Professional
- Negotiator Memorandum Of Understanding – Out of Commerce Musical Works
- Interviewed for Follow the Money “De overheid betaalt voor gratis wetenschappelijk onderzoek, terwijl uitgevers honderden miljoenen verdienen”
- Lecture on Public Domain
- Lecture on Copyright for heritage (NDE)
- Article Kluwer Copyright Blog “The Orphan Works Directive is broken but the commission wont fix it“
- Coordination of the translation of Creative Commons 4.0 license suite to the Frisian language
- Reference work (Dutch) for ‘Private archives of creators in the cultural sector’
- Blogpost ‘Two for one? KR21 recommends that the Netherlands abolishes its ‘spare’ copyright act’
- Blogpost on the review of the Orphan Works Directive.
- Article in ‘Archievenblad’ ‘Balanceren tussen auteursrecht en erfgoedpraktijk‘
- Analysis on collection management systems for the performing arts (Dutch) ‘Rapport Vergelijkend onderzoek collectiebeheersystemen podiumkunsten‘
- Co-coordinator of the Creative Commons publication ‘Towards better sharing of cultural heritage — A Creative Commons Call to Action to Policymakers‘
- Lecture on copyright and heritage for Erfgoedhuis Zuid-Holland
- Technological Review of Beyond Notability
- Lecture on copyright for conservator at the University of Amsterdam
- Technological analysis of the Proof of Provenance project
- Panel discussion on Out-Of-Commerce Works at the EUIPO
- Lecture on Copyright for the Erasmus+ MediaNumeric project
- Workshop on trust in media expressions from the public sector
- Workshop on the implication of copyright policy for the effect of funding for a large Dutch Foundation
- Update on Dutch implementation of out-of-commerce work for archives
- Update on Dutch implementation of Text and Data mining rules for heritage institutions.
- Requirements study and desk research on appropiate knowledge based for the Luxembourg National Audiovisual Centre (Centre national de l’audiovisuel)
- Lecture Creative Commons and heritage (DEN digital skills day, Dutch).
- Lecture on standardising rights infrastructure “Standardise Cubed” at Terra Mosana conference.
- Re-engineered
- Publication d’un guide pratique sur les droits d’auteur, droits voisins et autres droits dans le secteur du patrimoine culturel numérique (French), co-author Maarten Brinkerink (Digitaal Werktuig)
- Guideline on the implementation of Out-Of-Commerce works (Dutch)
- Panel discussion on AVA_Net Symposium on copyright and the AV-sector
- News item on the Dutch implementation of the CDSM directive for the archive sector
- EDTF extension for Wikibase, I coordinate the development of this extension with Maarten Brinkerink of Digitaal Werktuig.
- Lecture on Copyright in the Dutch Caribbean and Suriname for Wikimedia Netherlands
- Publication on copyright and heritage in the educational field: “Auteursrecht en digitaal erfgoed in het onderwijs” (Dutch)
- Fact Sheet on Shared Authority File for Luxembourg Cultural Heritage (that I co-coordinate)
- Presentation on public domain determination for project inDICEs
- Guideline on the implemented text- and datamining exception in the Dutch copyright act (Dutch)
- Guideline on the implemented preservation exception in the Dutch copyright act (Dutch)
- Lecture on copyright and heritage for Master students ‘Conservation and Restoration’ at the University of Amsterdam
- Lecture on Creative Commons for Software Developers for a CodeForNL Meetup
- Lecture on Copyright and heritage for the Dutch Network on Digital Heritage (NDE)
- Lecture on the principles of Intellectual Property for employees of InHolland College
- News Item on Public Domain Day for archives (Dutch)
- News item on relevant implementation of the CDSM Directive for Dutch Archives (Dutch)
- Lecture on Copyright and heritage for the Dutch Network on Digital Heritage (NDE)
- Position paper for KVAN about rules and regulation on a new copyright exception in the Dutch Copyright Act
- Column (p32.) on copyright challenges in Informatie Professional (Dutch)
- Analysis of pivotal judgement for Dutch Heritage institution related to anonymous works (Dutch)
- Translation of into Dutch
- News item of the proposed implementation law of the CDSM directive (Dutch)
- Analysis of proposed implementation law of the CDSM directive (Dutch)
- Reaction to Public Consultation on Dutch implementation of CDSM Directive. (Dutch)
- Masterclass on Copyright for archive professionals.
- Context Programma Auteursrecht in de Bijzondere Collecties
(Research report for the University libraries of Leiden) - Research Report – Returning commons community metadata additions and corrections to source (Research report for the Swedish National Heritage Board)
- Publication d’un guide pratique sur les droits d’auteur, droits voisins et autres droits dans le secteur du patrimoine culturel numérique (French, published 2021)
- Guideline on open data for Luxembourg Cultural Heritage Institutions (internal – English and French).
- Project proved the overly complex implementations of the orphan works directive (opinion / news item)
- Auteursrecht van secundair belang voor de fotograaf (opinion)
- Kennisland helpt met vrijgeven oorlogsbronnen (news item)
- Content filtering needs to be regulated (opinion)
- Content Recognition Technologies A measure for an effective, appropriate, and proportionate digital market? (LL.M. thesis)
- The trainwreck that is the Orphan Works Directive (opinion)
- Bescherming persoonsgegevens uit oorlogstijd (publication)
- Reader open overheid in de praktijk (publication)
- Ideeën kun je niet beschermen: ideeënregister biedt geen bescherming (opinion)
- CBS, stop met naamsvermelding eisen voor gebruik open data (opinion)
- Creative Commons Nederland publiceert licentiebevestigingen (publication)
- Ideeën kun je niet beschermen: CC Proof misleidt (opinion)
- Persistent Reproducible Identifiers (white paper)
- Open Data Reader 2016 (publication)
- Do’s and Don’ts of open data (ghostwritten article for a national newspaper)
- Research: Orphan Works Directive does not work for mass digitisation
- Auteursrecht belemmert ons Anne Franks dagboek te lezen
- Requirements for the Technical Infrastructure for Standardized International Rights Statements (white paper)
- Launch of strengthen and map the video commons
- YouTube should open content ID
- Why we need standards for fingerprinting
- Cruyff Copyright: keeping a football hero from the public
- Kennisland launches Embedr
- A guide to understanding copyright when reusing cultural data (publication)
- Cost of Freedom (small contribution to a book)
- IPR Guidelines
- Resultaten Open Cultuur Data Noord-Holland: meer erfgoed ontsloten
- Met Uitsterven bedreigd: het Internet
- Mondriaan need not apply
- Reader Open Cultuur Data (publication)
- Businessmodel voor fotografen gezocht
- Radicaal gebruik van CC in trek bij creatieve industrie Nederland
- Why the Met does not open any real doors
- Open Culture Data – position paper (publication)
- Report on Requirements for Usage and Reuse Statistics for GLAM Content (publication)
- Willen we nu een deeleconomie of niet?
- Staatssecretaris weet nog niet helemaal wat ‘publieke content’ betekent
- Europeana Cloud: Establishing High Level Principles
- Open Internet onder vuur
- Afscheid van een radicale vernieuwer
- Schermen met auteursrecht (publication)
- Papers Open Cultuur Data (publications)
- Rijksstudio: een volwaardig webmuseum
- Internet onder vuur: PIPA, SOPA, ACTA, Pirate Bay en MegaUpload
- Open Linked Data (2 pager position paper)
- Wiki Loves Art (publication)
- Piratenpartij: niet alleen maar piraterij
- Publiek domein 20 jaar op slot
- Wikimedia en de erfgoedsector in 2011